Garden style & design ideas: back garden landscaping

Apr 14, 2023Blog, Inspiration

A well-designed back yard can be a haven for relaxation and outdoor entertaining.

With the right garden style and design ideas, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that reflects your taste and lifestyle. Here are four back garden landscaping ideas to inspire your next project.

Native Australian garden

Create a backyard that celebrates the unique beauty of Australia’s native flora with a native garden design. This approach emphasizes using plants indigenous to the area, such as kangaroo paw, banksia, or bottlebrush. These plants look stunning and attract local wildlife like birds and butterflies to your garden. At Great Spaces, we specialise in Australian native gardens of all sizes and can recommend the best plant selections for any space.

Coastal retreat

If you love the beach or live near the coast, consider designing your backyard in a coastal style. Use natural materials like timber decking or stone pavers to create an outdoor living space that evokes memories of lazy beach days. Add a fire pit or seaside-inspired elements like driftwood sculptures or nautical-themed decor for extra charm.

swimming pool in Melbourne
Zen garden

Modern minimalist

For those who prefer a more contemporary aesthetic, consider a modern minimalist style. This approach emphasizes clean lines, bold shapes, and neutral colours – think steel planters filled with sculptural succulents, tidy raised beds, or a sleek water feature with geometric accents.

Edible garden

For those who love to cook and eat fresh produce straight from their backyard, consider creating an edible garden in your backyard. Plant herbs like basil, parsley, or mint in pots near the kitchen for easy access when cooking meals. Use raised beds for vegetables like tomatoes, zucchinis, or capsicums so they’re easily accessible for harvesting.

Cottage garden
Urban Jungle

Drop us a line

At Great Spaces, we don’t do one-size-fits-all solutions. Our process involves extensive consultation and planning with every client before anybody picks up a shovel. In all our projects, we aim to create stunning spaces tailored precisely to our client’s needs and preferences. Contact us today to start a conversation, and let us know how we can help bring your dream backyard to life.

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